Jaan Hindi Meaning • Know the contextual explanations ..!

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The word Jaan in Hindi means is life, although the word is sometimes different. So it can be seen with the contextual explanation.

However, if you add the word me before this word, “my Jaan” means my life. But “Jaan lo” means to know it or to learn it. That is why it is necessary to look at this with contextual explanations.

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Jaan Hindi meaning in English
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Example Of Jaan

  • I have not lived many moments well in my ‘Jaan’ life and I regret thinking about it.
  • That animal was alive until a little while ago, and its life would have lasted if the doctor had come sooner.

English Definitions

  • Life is the process by which animals and plants are differentiated from minerals, which include growth, reproduction, function, and continuous change before death.
  • The existence or birth of an individual or animal and his life journey.

Some Synonyms Of Jaan

  1. lifetime
  2. existence
  3. being
  4. living
  5. animation
  6. aliveness
  7. sentience
  8. creation
  9. survival
  10. viability
  11. person
  12. human being
  13. individual
  14. mortal
  15. soul
  16. creature

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